Review of the Board of Trustees‘ visit in São Paulo in October 2023
As announced, the Board of Trustees of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation, together with its scientific advisor, Prof. de Oliveira Käppler, visited our long-term partner organisations Don Bosco Mission in Itaquera and Missão Belem in São Paulo at the beginning of October 2023. As during the first visit of the Board of Trustees in 2017, the conversations were characterised by great cordiality and openness.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation has worked closely and trustingly with both organisations practically since their establishment. This applies to Father Rosalvino and Mrs Cristiane Vitale de Melo of Don Bosco as well as Father Gianpietro, Mariachiara Carraro, Adriana Lima, Adriana Pereira de Oliveira and Sister Cacilda of Missão Belem.
In both organisations, we support interdisciplinary care teams that provide psychological, educational and legal support to children and young people coming off the streets.
The conversations focussed in particular on the evaluation of previous funding projects and the discussion of future funding priorities. The Board of Trustees was able to verify themselves that the donations are being used in accordance with the purpose of the foundation. There was a general conviction that the projects had been selected correctly. The meetings with the sponsored children and young people in a Don Bosco Casa and in the Missão Belem crèche were of course particularly impressive. They are looked after by the carers of both partner organisations with a great deal of love and commitment. Despite their difficult start in life, they made a healthy, well-cared for and, above all, cheerful and positive impression.
The Board of Trustees also visited the projects honoured with special donations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation.
The need to take care of the problem area of Praca da Sé became very clear during our visit. The central square in the heart of São Paulo has become a gathering place for homeless people and drug addicts. The fates of children born on the streets were harrowing. The need is huge. There are no quick solutions in sight. The project initiated by Missão Belem is therefore set to run for several years.
Missao Belem und Stiftung Kinder-Schirm in der Kathedrale von SéDon Bosco has used the special donation to ensure that the “casas” in which the children and young people live are maintained despite government budget cuts. The Board of Trustees was able to see for itself that the “casas” are still in good condition. This enables the children and young people to grow up in dignity.
It was particularly pleasing to meet and get to know our female scholarship holder and the two male scholarship holders at Don Bosco for the first time. All three are pursuing their studies with great commitment.
Finally, the Board of Trustees was able to get to know the decision-makers at our third partner organisation UNIFAI, a private university run by the Catholic Church. Last year, we launched the co-operation between UNIFAI and the Kinder-Schirm Foundation under the name “Umbrella Futura”. This initiative enables children and young people who cannot grow up in their families to study at university, with professional guidance and support from the UNIFAI managers. Rector Prof. Karen Ambra, Prorector Prof. Alessandra Medeiros, Prorector Prof. Valeria Batista and Prorector Prof. Alessandro Venturini support this project with a high level of personal commitment. The founding ceremony was prepared with great care by UNIFAI. The plate specially made for this co-operation was hung in the UNIFAI entrance hall on the same evening.
The Board of Trustees also had the opportunity to meet the eleven scholarship holders in person. We were all impressed by their personalities, their demeanour and their thirst for knowledge. These young people also made a cheerful impression – despite the difficult start to their lives.
We were also particularly pleased to receive a greeting from Mr Cardinal Scherer, the Grand Rector of UNIFAI, in Portuguese and German, which he sent to us from Rome. Cardinal Scherer actively supports this project.
After his return from Rome, Cardinal Scherer also took the time to meet with the donor family. The conversation was characterised by great cordiality. We are very grateful to Cardinal Scherer for his support since the foundation was established.
The Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone involved for the extremely warm welcome and the hospitality shown during the visit.
Resolutions on funding measures for 2024
The Board of Trustees of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation passed the following resolutions regarding support measures for 2024:
- The foundation from the outset supports interdisciplinary care teams at both the Bon Bosco Mission in Itaquera and Missão Belem, which particularly focus on taking children and young people coming off the streets into care and reintegrating them into a regulated environment. The foundation is supporting both organisations again this year with €50,000 each.
- Don Bosco’s scholarship programme will be supported with up to €10,000.
- The “Umbrella Futura” co-operation project with UNIFAI will receive up to €50,000.
The Foundation Kinder-Schirm in September 2023 celebrates its 10. anniversary. During the last ten years it has been possible to establish trusting and resilient relationships to our partner organisations Dom Bosco Itaquera and Missão Belém, each in São Paulo. As our foundation does not have its own capacities in Brazil, it depends on strong partner organisations to implement its foundation’s mission. Therefore, we work closely with the Don Bosco Mission in Itaquera and the Missão Belém.
In the common projects these organisations have been able to take many children and adolescents off the streets into shelters and offered them a new life perspective. We are especially pleased about this fact.
During this time, a total of more than € 800,000 has been granted by the Kinder-Schirm Foundation for the support and promotion of children and young people who cannot grow up in their families.
We have decided not to celebrate the 10th anniversary with a ceremony or a symposium. Instead, the focus should be entirely on helping children and young people in the spirit of the work done so far. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, the Board of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation therefore decided to make a one-time special donation of € 50,000 each to the organisations Dom Bosco Itaquera and Missão Belém.
Of course, we will continue to support the Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera and the Missão Belem for their ongoing projects in 2023.
Don Bosco
For the year 2023 we provide in total € 50,000 to Dom Bosco. On the one hand this will finance the interdisciplinary project team, which takes care of the children and adolescents coming from the streets into the shelters. On the other hand, it supports the maintenance of those shelters. Due to funding cuts and the high inflation in Brazil, a financial gap has arisen which can be at least partially closed with this donation.
Don Bosco will additionally use the special donation of € 50,000 for the maintenance of the shelters.
The joint scholarship programme with Dom Bosco currently sponsors three young persons, who successfully continued their studies in the last year. Two participants unfortunately withdrew from the programme due to personal reasons.
The Board regularly updated about the progress of the young people’s studies in video conferences. In October the Board will personally meet the three students during their next visit in São Paulo.
Missão Belém
In 2023 again we will provide € 50,000 to the Missão Belém, to finance the interdisciplinary project team, which takes care of the children and adolescents, coming from the streets into the shelters. Educators, psychologists, social workers and lawyers look after their social rehabilitation.
The special donation of € 50,000 will be used by Missão Belém for the project “Praça da Sé”. Praca da Se is a central place in São Paulo where many drug addicts and about 20 homeless families with 30 to 50 children are living. This project, which is broadly based and will last several years, aims to offer these people a perspective for a better life.
Scholarship programme „Umbrella Futura“: A cooperation of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation with the University UNIFAI
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation created a third funding priority with the scholarship programme “Umbrella Futura“ in cooperation with the university CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO ASSUNCAO – UNIFAI. UNIFAI is a private university in São Paulo sponsored by the catholic church. In this programme we finance adolescents who could not grow up in their families or in difficult economic conditions a course of studies of their choice. We work in partnership with the university UNIFAI, which suggests potential candidates and evaluates them together with us. UNIFAI also provides intensive mentoring and coaching during the studies. Together, we hold review talks with the students twice a year. We aim to hold these discussions in person once a year. We are pleased that the first five scholarship holders were able to start their studies in March this year.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation is consulted by Prof. Dr. Christoph de Oliveira Käppler from the Technical University of Dortmund on this project, who is particularly predestined for this task due to his field of expertise “Social and Emotional Development” as well as his Brazilian experience. We are very pleased about Prof. Käppler’s willingness to support us in this future project.
We are also looking forward to the future cooperation with UNIFAI within the framework of the joint scholarship programme “Umbrella Futura”. This will be another important funding priority of the Children’s Umbrella Foundation in the coming years.
We would like to thank all friends, sponsors and supporters of the Kinder-Schirm Foundation for the trust they have placed in us over the past ten years and for their contributions to the implementation of our Foundation’s mission.
Also in the last year the aid organisations supported by the Foundation Kinder-Schirm had to face major challenges. Particularly the Covid pandemic complicated the work. Both organisations, Don Bosco in Itaquera and Missão Belem, again did excellent work despite Covid impediments and limitations.
The Foundation Kinder-Schirm also in 2021 continued its close and confident cooperation with the longtime partner organisations Don Bosco Mission Itaquera and Missão Belem.
To alleviate the additional burden arising from the pandemic the Foundation Kinder-Schirm provided both organisations each € 5000.
Last year, the Don Bosco Mission in Itaquera and the Missão Belem again were able to take many children and adolescents off the streets and out of illegally occupied buildings into shelters, where they were then given psychological and educational care. That way, they could again be led to a regular and safe life.
In 2022, we will again provide € 50,000 to the Missão Belem. As in previous years, this money will be used to finance an interdisciplinary project team consisting of psychologists, educators, social workers and lawyers. This project team takes care of the children and adolescents when they come from the streets into the shelters.
Due to budgetary rigour, the funds granted to the Don Bosco Mission in 2020 for an also interdisciplinary project team will still be sufficient for the period until the end of 2022. In addition, we are examining further possibilities for sponsorship.
We are very pleased that the Foundation Kinder-Schirm with the active support of the Don Bosco Mission in Itaquera was able to launch a new project in 2021.
In a joint initiative with Don Bosco, the Foundation Kinder-Schirm launched a scholarship programme. The foundation has committed itself to financing the studies of up to six young women and men selected by Don Bosco. Don Bosco Itaquera supports and takes care of the young people on site in many ways. The Board of Foundation Kinder-Schirm updates regularly about the progress of the young people’s studies in video conferences. In 2021 five of the students achieved satisfactory to very good results.
Inside news:
We are very pleased that the next generation is interested in the Foundation work and is willing to get involved. Therefore, we appointed Mr. Tobias Noé to the Board by January 1st, 2022.
We are just as much pleased that we were able to win Prof. Niedergethmann for our Board. He is a member of the Board since March 1st, 2022. With his excellent expert knowledge, the expertise represented on the Board is again significantly enriched.
We are looking forward to work with him.
As of this year all CVs and photos of the Board members can be seen on homepage at “Organisation”.
In 2020, the Covid pandemic posed enormous challenges for the aid organisations supported by the Foundation Kinder-Schirm. Personal contacts, face-to-face teaching and social care work were only possible under very difficult conditions, or had to be paused entirely in many cases.
Nevertheless, the Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera and Mission Belem continued their work in 2020 with great commitment, creativity and flexibility. For example, in coordination with the foundation Kinder-Schirm, part of the funds received by the Dom Bosco Mission were reallocated to purchase 30 laptops that could be used for online teaching.
The trip to Brazil originally planned for March 2020 had to be cancelled at short notice due to the pandemic. This is now expected to take place in 2022. The Board of Trustees kept abreast of project progress through project reports and personal contact.
At its January meeting, the Board of Trustees took the following decisions:
- The joint project with the Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera for the support of children and young people who, for personal and/or economic reasons, cannot grow up in their families, shall be continued. The economical management of resources and delays owing to the pandemic mean that the funds granted in 2020 will last until April 2022.
- In cooperation with the Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera, the Foundation Kinder-Schirm has launched a new project. Foundation Kinder-Schirm will fund up to six young people’s studies starting in the spring of 2021. This financial commitment is for the entire duration of their studies, so as to give the students sound prospects of being able to finish. In January, the Board of Trustees met the candidates proposed by the Dom Bosco Mission in a video conference. It is planned for study progress to be discussed in further video conferences following each semester.
- The Mission Belem will also receive a total of € 50,000 in 2021 to finance the interdisciplinary project team, whose task is to get children off the streets and re-accustom them to a structured daily routine.
Since its establishment, the Kinder-Schirm Foundation has mainly supported the Don Bosco Itaquera and the Missao Belem organisations, both in Sao Paulo.
In both aid organisations, project teams are financed to look after children and young people who cannot grow up within their own families and have therefore temporarily lived on the streets. These children should first get used to a structured daily routine again before they can receive an education. The aim is to enable them to lead a self-determined life with a good education despite the difficult starting conditions. The project teams consist of psychologists, pedagogues, teachers and lawyers.
After intensive discussion, the Board of Trustees continues to believe that supporting these two organizations is the best possible way to fulfil the Foundation’s purpose. The following decisions have therefore been made for 2020:
- The Missao Belem will be supported with a total of 50,000.00 €.
- The Don Bosco Mission in Itaquera will receive a total of 45,000.00 € for 2020 and 2021
In the first quarter of 2020 the Kinder-Schirm Foundation sent a young German intern with Portuguese language skills to the Don Bosco Mission to work with the Brazilian children and young people. In addition, on behalf of the Foundation, she discussed with the local mission leadership the opportunities for a more individualized support to young people. The acquired information will be incorporated into the Foundation’s work in the coming years.
Due to the coronavirus crisis, the trip of the Chairmen of the Board of Trustees planned for spring 2020 had to be postponed to a later date.
Since its formation, the Kinder-Schirm Foundation has supported the Don Bosco Itaquera and Missao Belem organizations with donations.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation’s board of trustees continues to believe that supporting these two organizations is the best possible way to fulfil the foundation’s purpose. That is why the board of trustees has decided to continue to provide support to these two organizations in 2019:
- Missao Belem will receive a total of €40,000 for the continuation of the currently supported project which works towards helping children and young people who are not able to grow up in their own family and therefore have temporarily lived on the streets. The project aims to integrate these youths into normal life through an interdisciplinary group made up of psychologists and educators.
- Don Bosco has operated very economically in previous years and therefore has enough resources to finance our joint project, which generally has the same objectives as the Missao Belem project, this year as well. Should any unexpected financial bottlenecks occur, the Kinder-Schirm Foundation will of course provide the Don Bosco Mission with additional resources in 2019.
Ever since its inception, the Kinder-Schirm Foundation has supported two organisations with donations, Don Bosco Itaquera and Missao Belem. In recent years, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Peter Noé, has visited these organisations, alone or together with the Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees, Mrs. Susanne Noé, in order to obtain information about the sponsored projects.
In October 2017, almost the entire Board of Trustees travelled to Sao Paulo for the first time, to gain a personal impression of these organisations and, in particular, the sponsored projects. In addition, further discussions were also held with other aid organisations and decision-makers from the church, industry and industrial associations. The highlight was the personal meeting with Cardinal Scherer, who invited the Board of Trustees to a private audience at his home (see photo).
After the trip, all the members of the Board of Trustees agreed that
- the Kinder-Schirm Foundation, with Don Bosco Itaquera and Missao Belem, supports organisations whose activities correspond exactly with the foundation’s funding objectives, pursue these activities with complete dedication and are completely trustworthy,
- the projects supported thus far benefit children and young people, who are unable to grow up within their families.
The Board of Trustees was deeply impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm with which the priests, pastoral workers and helpers were performing their duties, despite the difficult circumstances.
Therefore, the Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided to continue sponsoring these two organisations in 2018 with a total sum of € 90,000.
- Don Bosco Itaquera will receive € 40,000 to assist the continuation of the project already supported thus far, i.e. to integrate children and young people into normal life by means of an interdisciplinary group, consisting of psychologists and educators.
- Missao Belem will receive assistance of € 50,000, to move the largest possible number of children and young people off the street and into a protective environment, in order to then support their integration into a normal life.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided on two sponsorship measures totalling 80,000 EUROS in 2017. These funds help two organisations in Sao Paulo, which take care of children and young people, who are unable to grow up in their own family, in an exemplary manner.
1. The Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera (Sao Paulo)
Over the past 37 years, together with his team, Father Rosalvino, a charismatic priest, has built up an impressive mission in Itaquera, a problematic district of Sao Paulo, from nothing. This mission offers babies, children and young people (and even adults) shelter, food, care and a diverse range of training opportunities and leisure activities.
120 children and young people between the ages of 0 and 17 years old are currently being looked after in 8 children’s homes.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided to support these children’s homes as in the previous year by funding a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of two educational psychologists and play therapists in each instance, for another year. The aim is to provide children, who are traumatised to some extent, with psychological support following their admission into children’s homes and to re-establish normal lives for them.
2. The Missao Belem in Sao Paulo
The Belem Mission in Sao Paulo, which is strongly supported by Cardinal Scherer, is an aid organisation, which cares for the poorest of the poor, i.e. children and young people who live on the street, alcoholics, drug addicts, the homeless and disabled.
Missionaries spend their nights under the city’s bridges with the children and young people living there, in order to slowly gain their confidence and to gradually help them to regain a normal life, by absorption into foster families. A total of around 60 children and young people are looked after by five foster families.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided, as in the previous year, to fund a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of a social worker, a psychologist and a lawyer, to support these foster families in caring for these children and young people, for another year. The aim is to provide children and young people with psychological support and to identify the best solution for their future lives, in conjunction with government agencies: a return to their own families, long term inclusion in the foster family or being put up for adoption.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation will also convince itself in 2017 of the progress and results on-site.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided on three sponsorship measures totalling 46,500 EUROS in 2015. These funds helped three organisations in Sao Paulo, which take care of children and young people, who are unable to grow up in their own family, in an exemplary manner.
1. The Dom Bosco Mission in Itaquera (Sao Paulo)
Over the past 35 years, together with his team, Father Rosalvino, a charismatic priest, has built up an impressive mission in Itaquera, a problematic district of Sao Paulo, from nothing. This mission offers babies, children and young people (and even adults) shelter, food, care and a diverse range of training opportunities and leisure activities.
120 children and young people between the ages of 0 and 17 years old are currently being looked after in 8 children’s homes.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided to support these children’s homes as in the previous year by funding a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of two educational psychologists and play therapists in each instance, for another year. The aim is to provide children, who are traumatised to some extent, with psychological support following their admission into children’s homes and to re-establish normal lives for them.
2. The Missao Belem in Sao Paulo
The Belem Mission in Sao Paulo, which is strongly supported by Cardinal Scherer, is an aid organisation, which cares for the poorest of the poor, i.e. alcoholics, drug addicts, the homeless and disabled.
Missionaries spend their nights under the city’s bridges with the children and young people living there, in order to slowly gain their confidence and to gradually help them to regain a normal life, by absorption into foster families. A total of around 60 children and young people are looked after by five foster families.
The Kinder-Schirm Foundation decided, as in the previous year, to fund a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of a social worker, a psychologist and a lawyer, to support these foster families in caring for these children and young people, for another year. The aim is to provide children and young people with psychological support and to identify the best solution for their future lives, in conjunction with government agencies: a return to their own families, long term inclusion in the foster family or being put up for adoption.
3. CREAR (Centro Recreativo Educacional Artistico Renascer) in Capao Bonito (Sao Paulo)
CREAR is a not-for-profit organisation which takes care of needy children in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of town. CREAR currently looks after approximately 200 children and young people from one to fifteen years of age and 150 families in the children and young people’s day care centre.
The Kinder-Schirm foundation decided to support CREAR by funding some educational and adventure trips for the children. The objective is to acquaint the children with museums, theatres and music academies which is not possible in their home town.
CREAR is represented by Vida Boa e. V. in Germany.